Here For You.


Monica Pang Rogers, MPH, RDN

The nutrition seed was planted when I was working in the corporate world, struggling to find a balance between workplace stress and health. After honing iterations of nutrition and exercise plans, I realized my love of nutrition and wellness far outweighed my love for business development.

My interest in fertility and prenatal nutrition grew out of numerous friends and acquaintances sharing their struggles with infertility. I realized the majority of doctors were not stressing the vital role nutrition plays in preparing your body for pregnancy (and eventually growing healthy babies).

My interest grew even stronger when I began to consider my own fertility picture. As someone who has put off starting a family beyond the prime fertility window, I am excited to share what I’ve learned with others.

As a dietitian, I am committed to helping people make positive health changes. I identify gaps in eating patterns and work to uncover underlying issues that could be affecting fertility or prenatal nutrition. I believe that optimal health requires nutritious food, along with physical activity and stress management; and I take pride in understanding my clients' specific challenges in order to create workable health strategies.

Credentials & Education:

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Masters in Public Health, UCLA
B.S., California State University, Northridge
B.S., University of Georgia

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10 Things About Me »

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My Philosophy

I believe everyone can improve their nutrition by making small changes, which result in larger benefits over time. I don’t believe in punishing yourself for food choices, good or bad. Most importantly, I realize that nutrition is just one part of promoting health and fertility, and it does not exist in a vacuum.

Let’s talk!